If you want to contact Robert (Rob) Sacilotto at Botanique, you can write or e-mail.
Rob Sacilotto, 387 Pitcher Plant Ln., Stanardsville, VA 22973. Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you want a reply. For e-mail, please type in the below address (don't copy/paste as it is an image): |
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Download the Wholesale price list (.pdf) | |||||||||||
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One of our staff is holding a tray of Sarracenia flava. Only a nursery that has been around for a long time can produce "home grown" plants this strong. Check out the root systems on these babies. We started in 1982. Our unique knowledge about carnivorous plants is born from many years of experience and experimentation.
If we can acquire the funding (as a non-profit organization), we'll have the resources to publish (online and in print) a tremendous amount of new information. Currently, data has been collected for the following topics: Highland Nepenthes-nutrition and quantified growing conditions for raising larger plants. Fertilization techniques that are safe for nearly every pitcher plant genus. Conductivity thresholds. Disease control-useful techniques and why we avoid the "tray system". New compounds for fighting diseases. New media additives for Nepenthes. Getting N.rajah and others to grow big. How to over winter native (USA) carnivorous plants in colder climate zones. Cold pits, mulches, foam blankets and other useful methods. |
Here are some pics of the nursery. Just a small fraction of what we hope to preserve. Botanique probably has the largest, most diverse collection of pitcher plants in the world. Only funding will keep these, and thousands of other botanical treasures from vanishing. | ||||||||||||
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Some of the outdoor beds in June 2005. Here, Calopogon and Sarracenia mix to create a scene that is breathtaking and inspirational. Many colonies of Sarracenia came from sites that were destroyed in the '70s, as cheap "swamp land" was developed. We hope to preserve our relic populations and increase public support for rare, endangered wildlife. | |||||||||||
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Our beds and production zones are typically 50 feet long, each. Over fifteen zones of Sarracenia, Flytraps, orchids and other beauties live here. This huge collection requires a lot of care: watering, weeding, disease control and dividing. The plants we sell come from our huge garden. To continue expanding our preservation, educational, and research efforts, we will require donations and funding. The change to a non-profit organization may have obstacles, but the benefit will be worth it. | |||||||||||
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