For many years, N. edwardsiana remained the "Holy Grail" of collectors. A truly beautiful species.
Nepenthes edwardsiana
Large, ornate "teeth" on the peristome, and a long, waisted pitcher mark this species. Colors range from greenish to burnt orange and red. Frequently, new pitchers emerge stunningly marked with yellow, peach and pink-orange, maturing most commonly in orange-red. Pitchers can reach 18 inches in height. The leaves are a shiny, almost succulent deep green.
Unfortunately, "eddies" are amongst the slowest seedlings or tissue culture explants to grow. It may take five years or more for plants to reach a couple inches across. Once about an inch or two in diameter, growth can accelerate dramatically. Our plants have usually started vining growth once the diameter exceeded 6-8 inches. Until that stage, full rosettes formed close to the ground.
While the plants can tolerate temperatures beyond these suggestions, our plants thrive with day temperatures 70-90 degrees F with night temperatures 45-55 degrees F. Damage may result from long periods with night temperatures above 65-70 degrees F. Media should be mossy and well aerated with perlite, kanuma, or other porous additives. Plants often root vigorously into live sphagnum.
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The sex of the Tambuyukon seedling below is unknown, as is the mature color. Since this is a larger seedling, one can guess the pitchers will be deep reddish orange or red brown. Unlike tissue culture plants, symbionts and adaptation to the non-sterile world have influenced the seedlings, making them sturdier after many years of growing in the "real world".
We were extremely lucky to receive some donated seed, years ago, which allowed research and publication of an article
explaining the seed growing protocol we found most useful.
The auction will end Oct. 23, 4pm Eastern time. The current top bid will post below. Names will not be given out. To make a bid, email your current or best offer to Rob,
rob.botanique at his gmail account. (See News for more information.) NOTICE: California has recently implemented new plant shipment restrictions. While we have a Compliance Agreement and inspection information/permits, we strongly recommend shipping to a non-CA address-we cannot be held responsible if inspectors improperly destroy plants.
This seedling is potted in a four inch pot. Winning bid, Oct. 23, 4:00pm= $1,240.00
It is approximately 6 inches in diameter, with pitchers 3 inches tall.
Climate control issues caused some discoloration on the lower leaves; that issue was corrected and the plant is showing healthy young growth.
Here is a closeup view of one of the pitchers: