Drosera binata var.multifida cv."Extrema"- Australian fork-leaved Sundew. This form is native to a small area in Australia and is characterized by its many branched leaves which can have between fourteen and twenty-seven points to a leaf. The leaves quickly cascade as they develop, unrolling as they form.Single leaves can reach a foot or more in length and are marked with red tentacles. We suggest that this sundew gets planted in a 6-8 inch hanging basket made of plastic to conserve moisture and prevent salt build up which is common in clay pots.
Do not expose this plant to freezing or intensely hot sun. We grow them between 50-80°F and in partial sun, about 50% shade. During the cool days of late fall and winter, you can give this plant full sun, as long as it's not too hot.
Like most sundews, you can also use fluorescent plant lights, although this might be awkward, given the plant's habit.
We use a soil mix of sphagnum plus about 30% perlite. Peat moss with coarse sand or perlite can also work. The media should have good drainage, be acidic and nutrient poor. Do not fertilize. Small insects get trapped and digested for nutrients. Fruit flies can be killed and sprinkled on the leaves if grown in an insect free area; generally feeding is not needed. If exposed to cold or heat stress, this type can go dormant, especially in mid summer, and lose foliage. As often as not, this variety is mainly evergreen.The flowers are white. Keep the media moist and do not let it get dry. Sundews generally want to grow in a humid environment, between 55-95% relative humidity.